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Month: September 2017

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

On the road again, just can’t wait to get on the road again….. Oh, Willie, who knew your words would strike an accord with so many people for so long time . Yeah, we are on the road home.  Goodbye squatting home and welcome Boxes in Fields home. Goodbye to AC and full sized stove/oven.  Goodbye two bedroom, one bathroom with tub.  Hello to three people and a doggo in one teeny tiny trailer.  Ahhh, home. The closer we got…

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Spirit Lifters

Spirit Lifters

Since Plan473 still does not have any electricity and as we can no longer just sit around, we decided to keep removing, cutting, and sorting of the broken trees. Some would say that it is busy work but at least I can show something for my efforts.  Just think in two years or so, we will have plenty of dried wood for BBQing. Besides, cutting firewood makes me happy as I get to use the chain saw.  Hot dog, I…

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Let the Recovery Begin

Let the Recovery Begin

Normally, I like to start a post with a picture.  It kinda sets the ground for the post.  However, a note must be said in order to move forward.  Today’s date as I publish this post is November 20, 2018 and I started writing this post five days ago.  It has taken me that long to process emotions and feelings onto paper.  Yes, you read correctly, it has been fifteen months after Harvey.   Fifteen months since I have looked at…

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Nature Does NOT Give a Damn!

Nature Does NOT Give a Damn!

You know, maintenance is designed for those who enjoy self torture.  After spending a few days re-caulking the Rainstream, scrubbing baseboards with a toothbrush, wiping down walls, and cleaning out of all cabinets from the past three years of residue, I decided enough was enough.  Truer words have not been spoken when children complain about making their beds.  Why make the bed when it is just gonna be unmade tonight?  Why scrub the trailer when we are just gonna move…

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Two Weeks Out

Two Weeks Out

O’ Brother Where Art Thou is probably one of the best movies ever.  EVER!  One of the best lines before Harvey: “Well ain’t this place a geographical oddity! Two weeks from everywhere!”  One of the best lines after Harvey: “Well ain’t this place a geographical oddity.  Two weeks from everywhere”. It has been two weeks since Harvey forever changed Boxes in Fields.  Friends and family and people unknown continue to offer support and assistance from clean up crews, to meals,…

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