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Month: November 2017

Double Digit Kid

Double Digit Kid

Like father, like son.  Like, mother, like daughter.   Well, this kid may look like a mini-me, but he is his father’s child. From his mannerisms, to his quirky remarks, his taste in music to his artistic abilities, this kid is more like his dad than me.  Never have you seen me carrying around notebooks to meet the sudden urge to doodle.  That is a Planner trait.  The Planner and his excessive amounts of notebooks. Never have I had created beautiful…

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A Conex Half Box

A Conex Half Box

The Kid has been staying in our teeny tiny Airstream again and let me tell you, NOBODY has patience for that anymore.  It was one thing when he was three, four, and five.  It’s a whole other story when he is almost 10.  Poor thing he doesn’t fit on the couch without scrunching into a ball. When did he get to be so big?  No, not old because that implies I too am older and I am not.  I am…

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