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Month: April 2018

Work Box Update

Work Box Update

Stress. What an amazing experience. The last post about the Work Box left you with the framework that needed sandblasting and painting.  That was at the end of January and today it is the end of April.  How did it happen three full complete months have passed with little to show for it?  Stress.  That is how.  It is not as there was not plenty of work accomplished and completed in those three months.  It is just that there are…

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Nature’s Time to Play

Nature’s Time to Play

There is nothing more spring than colors.  And this spring is becoming more springy than last year and Spring Has Sprung was nothing shabby. I am not even going to attempt to name these fantastic beauties. That would require a degree in plantology.  Yes, plantology. A botanist I am not. Nor a Master Naturalist which I would love to become if I had 500 hours of time to devote to class and field study.  Okay, not 500 hours but more…

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