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Month: October 2018

But Why the Boot?

But Why the Boot?

Have you ever seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie?  The original movie, before Disney went crazy with sequels?  There is a scene where  Miss Elizabeth has been left on an island and she burns the rum in order to be saved and Jack Sparrow keeps muttering about why the rum. That has been my line for the last three days. WHY THE BOOT! Why! After weeks and weeks, no maybe even months and months of rain, the last…

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A Great Shower

A Great Shower

Holy moly batman.  Boxes in Fields has gone from cooler fall days to full on winter! Last week the Kid and I worked up a sweat on our 5mile bike ride.  The weather was cool enough to warrant a long sleeve shirt in the AM but nothing more. This week the doggo is demanding her electric blanket for her old bones. This week, it is dark and gloomy, cold and windy, and wet.  Temperatures never reached above 60’s and the…

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Never Again

Never Again

Somethings in life fall into the never again category.  When summer is beating down, the mosquitos are ramping up, and the relentless winds are blowing away your resiliency, one being to ponder if fall is never again going to come.  This pondering always leads to the whys.  Why does anyone voluntarily live here?  Why did I move back again?  Why do I live here now?  Why, why, why? But just as you are debating the ramifications of moving away to…

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Not Again

Not Again

The last week of September started out as such a beautiful week.  Monday started clear and remained clear as the off the shelf windows were installed.  Tuesday was equally as fantastic.  Wednesday was Simpsons blue sky and white puffy clouds.  Add the with little wind and less than hot temperatures and it was weather worth dreaming about.  Writing about.  Living about. Then the rains came as predicted on Thursday.  More than predicted, actually.  When you look outside to this, all…

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