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Author: boxesinfields

Just a Little Trim

Just a Little Trim

A family divided.  The kid has camp again this week, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  With the Kid occupied and me am at work, the Planner borrowed the tractor again to piddle at the property during his family free week.  Not me, I’d spend my family free time at home in the AC drawing on the house plans.  It may not be the dog days of summer but temperatures will still be in the upper 90’s…

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Yucca, Yucca, Yucca

Yucca, Yucca, Yucca

Scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.  The neighbor is letting us use her driveway until ours is built. There is legal access but it is two blocks down a paper street, a never improved road owned by the county.  A road laid out when the subdivision was established in the 50’s. This paper road runs where our grass patch grows into the neighbor’s beautiful coastal field. As a way to say thank you for such neighborly pleasantries, we cut…

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Bye kid of mine, have fun at grandma’s and at camp.  I will see you in 12 days!!! Woo-hoo, what to do with my free time? Oh, that’s right, work.  The first week the Kid was gone was the normal 9-5.  The second week was when the fun started.  I took a week of vacation from work to work. Yup, sort of like a staycation. Only not as relaxing. Up at daylight, work until it was too hot to think….

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One Man’s Trash…

One Man’s Trash…

Is another man’s trash. So many decisions on where to start.  Start here, start there, start anywhere.  After countless hours trying to decide where to build, it was decided clearing the trash and the underbrush should be the first step.  Of course, clearing is easier said than done.  Previous owners and years of neglect have turned this land into a rubbish bin. But don’t worry, good money was paid for that rubbish. Hopefully, some of this material can be reused…

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Not Your Average American Family

Not Your Average American Family

I guess you are wondering how we got here to Blocks In Fields.  That is a story 20 years in the making.  For as long as I can remember I have wanted chickens and a garden.  Growing up in a city of a million people, chickens were not gonna happen.  At least in my neighborhood.  There was a garden but all it every produced was cucumbers, okra, and tomatoes.  The dream never went away, it simply was pushed aside for…

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The Tide is High

The Tide is High

Yay, rain! Where we live, one never complains about the rain.  Ever.  It does not rain enough and we need all we can get when we can get it.  Just know it will rain on the one day when you don’t want it to.  You know, the day when there is an outside event planned.  The wedding with the big fluffy dress, the birthday with the bounce house, the anniversary with the fancy dishes and crystal.  Sure, one can make…

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How Low? I Mean, How High?

How Low? I Mean, How High?

There are so many factors affecting the building of a house.  City and county ordinances, FEMA, code, neighborhood restrictions, wind, water, sewer, electricity, and most of all the sun and shade.  Throughout the building of this house, I am sure there will be other posts dealing with these factors as they arise.  It is inevitable. Living in the coastal region means the land is flat, right? Oh, how wrong you would be.  The elevation hub came back today from the…

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A Little Curb Appeal

A Little Curb Appeal

Driving by the property leads one to think about all kinds of sayings, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, “all it needs is time”, or my favorite “one step at a time”.  While this is true, there are times when it is hard to see past the curb through the forest.  In this case, there is no curb or forest but you get my drift. At times like this, the best way to tackle the forest is simply…

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About Boxes In Fields

About Boxes In Fields

And it starts. Finally. Hopefully. Maybe… For years and years, we’ve wanted a piece of property big enough to have a small garden and some crazy chickens. Before that could happen there was living here, living there, and living everywhere. We tried to live the “what’s expected” life and it failed us. What is the “what’s expected” life? It is the all American lifestyle. Two college degrees living in a 2000 sf home with a two car garage, two kids,…

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