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Author: boxesinfields

So Long Doggo

So Long Doggo

It is a sad, sad day here at Boxes in Fields. Our beloved doggo has given up the go go. So long my furry legged friend, princess of the front seat. We will forever carry you in our hearts….

Work Box Repaired for Completion

Work Box Repaired for Completion

Being tall does have its disadvantages and working under the boxes in one of those. Just six inches shorter than the Planner still makes me above average on the female height spectrum. Six inches shorter when stooped under the boxes makes a huge difference. Way back at the end of June when the Planner was working on the last of the columns, I started on Work Box repairs. Simple things I could do without the Planner assistance such as rust…

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July CeleBOATions

July CeleBOATions

“Honey, let’s buy a boat.” It was really went more along the lines of this. The Planner was cleaning up from the column work in his box when I came bounding up the stairs proclaiming “I found a sailboat!!!!” I have been looking and looking for more than year for a sailboat big enough for the three of us to sail together. Sailboats are a dime a dozen unless you have specific requirements. Such as a mast easily removed and…

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Rise Up O’ Columns

Rise Up O’ Columns

Stand back everyone the Doubter has arrived. He has come to raise columns, all eight over as few days as possible. Doubter says he staying for two weeks before he heads back home to the land of air conditioner. When he leaves the taking the Kid with him, too. Week One:First thing he did upon arrival was attempt to fix a cutting torch the Planner was gifted from a friend. Several weeks ago when the Planner attempted to use the…

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In Between Rains

In Between Rains

In between all the rain showers Boxes in Fields continued to move forward with the plans for the house box. Beam materials were ordered and delivered, plans on how to lift the box in the air were finalized, and designs for the house were ran for strength and integrity against hurricane forces. First things first a chunk of beam leftover from before Harvey was dug out of the scrap pile. Not being used for any structural purposed, the Planner was…

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Float Away May

Float Away May

Global Climate. The other day the Kid came home from school all hot and bothered because his school friend couldn’t understand the difference between climate and weather. He said if his friend can’t understand the basic level between those two then there is no helping his friend for global warming. And global warming is a real deal. Since living here I have been telling anyone who will listen that the scientist need to be recording the wind records for global…

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So Jealous

So Jealous

Since before I can remember I knew what my life choices were going to be. I was going to marry a poor farmer, live in a poor house and raise poor children. We would have a garden, chickens, and a goat. We would be happy because we had love, lots and lots of love, and life would be just as I wanted. Well I did marry a poor farmer who then when to college. We do not live a poor…

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Sunny Outhouse

Sunny Outhouse

Have you ever seen a skid-o-can, a port-o-potty, a poly-john? Yes you say at any festival event not held on a permanent location. Have you ever seen one two feet in the air? No, didn’t think so. Every outbuilding over 100sft and any building with electrical and/or sewer must meet flood requirements. For Boxes in Fields that is four feet plus depending upon location. Weeeeeelllll, the outhouse (bathroom outside to you city dwellers) is not four feet in the air…

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Spring Cleanup

Spring Cleanup

When Hurricane Harvey blew through in 2017 many local residents were quick to remove downed trees even though all the extension services said to wait until the fall to allow time for the trees to recover. Boxes in Fields followed the experts and lost very few trees relatively speaking. When the Great Freeze of 2021 blew through two months ago the experts were immediately posting the same thing, wait until spring is fully in bloom to remove foliage. Boxes in…

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