The Hole to Nowhere
The weather has been hot, hot, hot. For some reason, the last two evenings have been slightly cooler making the evenings nice. Taking advantage of the nice weather, we decided to enjoy the weather from the tailgate of our truck at the property. The solitude was wonderful, well more solitude than at the RV park we currently stay. The peace and quiet were exactly what I wanted. Ahhhh. This lasted all of ten minutes before the boys were off doing boy things.
Boys will boys and men will be men. And what do boys of all ages like to do best? Dig holes. When asked why they were digging a hole, the reply was “because”. Hmph. Because. What kind of answer is that? Answering “digging a hole to the center of the earth” would have been more acceptable. I get that. At least there was a purpose. Nope, dig, dig, dig.
Being a nosy nelly that I am, I just couldn’t sit on the tailgate and watch. Nope, not gonna happen. I had to go offer my assistance. Ooh, look a hole within in a hole. Cool. What lives in there, did you see anything?
How far are you gonna dig? How wide? What do expect to find? Is the dirt getting wetter? Are the layers are changing? Interesting. The dirt is cool to the touch. When you are done, let’s measure it…. Yup, that’s me offering my assistance.
They dug and they dug and they dug until the shovel would no longer reach. I have to admit, it was an impressive hole. Too bad it was not deep enough for the entire child. He-He-He, I love wack-a-mole!