Drainage and a Driveway
Rain, rain, rain. We need it to rain, yet when it rains, we complain. As humans, we just like to complain. Some of the reasons we complain when it rains cannot be easily solved, like the rain on our heads inside the Rainstream. Others can be easily rectified if we would just a lot the small amount of time from all the other projects. Trying to work around the rain can be difficult, especially depending on the amount of rain. Most times, the rain comes, the rain goes, and within a few hours, all hindrance is gone. Other times, the rain comes and comes and comes, and when it goes it leaves a lake.

Boxes in Fields has always know the land resides in a low area. In fact, the Tide is High discusses how before we could move in there was a major rain storm of 20+ inches in a 24 hour period and the highest point on the property was ankle deep in water. This was before there was roadwork, buildings, various structures, and a wall all blocking the natural flow of water.
Add in those factors and now there is an issue that needs immediate attention. Flood management. Having a 36×40 concrete wall 18″ high causes a huge problem. This issue became noticeable the very first time it rained heavily after the concrete pad was finished. In Float Away May , the Planner installed pumps under the Shop Box in attempts to remove the standing water between his box and the Kid Box via a 50′ garden hose. But just six weeks later another major summer storm resulted in even higher flooding issues.

Now having been dry for so long, we had forgotten how difficult it is to work when there is a lake in the yard. Needing a way to move the water from in front of the Work Box to reach the pump, the Planner decided we needed a drain. Drainage from the north side of the Work Box to the low, south end of the Shop Box. Drainage would allow the water to move from between the buildings to the back where we don’t drive daily. If the back of the property looks like a lake for days on end, who cares.

Laying a pipe from northeast to southwest required the dirt work in front of the concrete pad to be leveled. Removing this dirt was easy, placing the dirt was thought provoking. Anytime dirt is moved around grass grows. Knowing this dirt would have nutrients, I wanted to place it where it give the most benefit. A bucket garden would have been the best but as stated before, there will not be any gardens until the Dwelling is complete. Next best place is the area in front of the Tractor Box. Tractor tires are determinantal to the ground and driving in and out of the same location in all dirt conditions has left a low spot. This dirt/sand mixture will be perfect and hopefully encourage the grass to grow.

Establishing a drain meant the purchase of 4″ thick wall PVC pipe, 20′ in length. Would have preferred a larger, longer pipe but as it was this piece cost just under an arm and a leg. Ever since COVID, the cost of PVC has been insane. A longer drain would have meant the pipe could have covered the entire distance of the concrete pad. For now, this means the last three feet on either side will not be drivable. Well, I guess you could drive off the pad. Once. Ensuring the drain ran the correct angle for the distance traveled, the pipe was packed with dirt to secure into place.

Two dump truck loads of crushed concrete later, both the front and back of the concrete pad is now accessible via car, truck, tractor, forklift, Gorilla cart, bike, and chickens. Using the tractor, the ramp placed and spread into desired angle length an width.

Using the forklift as it weighs more, the ramp was driven on again and again to ensure it was smooth at the concrete edge and that there were no soft spots. Once it rains again and settles the crushed concrete, the Planner will drive over the ramps again packing them even further.

With a quick wash to the tractor bucket, the driveway drainage was complete. See it really didn’t take that much work. It was just a matter of setting aside the time. A year and half after the concrete pad was completed, it is now a fully functioning, usable asset. Not just a water blockage device. Hopefully, the water will run down in front of the Work box, through the drainage under the driveway, under the Shop Box, and then with assistance of the pump out to the back of the property.