Hatched Pantry
Where does the time go? It has been a week since the pantry walls were built and ready for install. A week. Yes, I know logically the time was spent on the driveway, roof supports, and other odds and ends that did not get mentioned, but still. From reading this blog, it would seem Boxes in Fields does a lot of nothing. Lest you forget we both work jobs and while those jobs are not the typical 8-5 they do require us to work. Some weeks the hours are more than a standard 40 and others they are not. Some weeks I wonder about being self employed and miss the set routine of a punch the clock job. On those weeks I have to remind myself that a get in your car and commute for an hour on way, sit in traffic and listen to the boss give crap orders, that being self employed allows me the time to build my life. Not the life of the normal worker bee, but my life. And my life is pretty good.

Especially when the next step are pantry walls. A real walk in pantry. Not a converted cabinet, not a refurbished hot water heater space, not a door that opens to a 4×4 cubicle. A real walk in pantry with one wall entirely of shelves and cabinets and a full wall to wall countertop. A real walk in pantry with an entire wall to hang mops, dust pads, vacuum cleaners, and step ladders. A real life, been dream come true, it’s okay for you to be jealous pantry. Rude, I know. Sorry but it is a real pantry!

Never in my life have I had a pantry. Shelves, cabinets, buckets, and storage bins, yes. A real life walk in pantry, no. One day, right now it is just two walls creating the pantry but it will be one day.

Installation of the pantry walls were just like the bathroom wall. Carry over with the forklift at snail pace, erect to mark the east and west walls, lay down to clean marked lines, erect walls and bolted into place.

Walls were marked on all sides to ensure they were placed in correctly. Most of these notes were for the actual build themselves to ensure the panels lined up but having them during the installation helped, too. Besides writing on walls and floors has been done on these boxes since before we even owned them. There are notes in languages from all over the world, drawings to represent who knows what, praises to various religious deities, and then there are the stamped in wood logos. The “Up Inside Pantry” note will be painted over whereas the “Up Utility Side” will always be visible from the utility room.

Two walls, one walk in pantry. I’m so excited. Now to paint before the rust can attach. Hurry, hurry, I can see the rust forming.