Shop Box Repairs Cont.

Shop Box Repairs Cont.

Sometimes a project comes about in a rash decision and is implemented immediately. Most of these rash decision implemented projects are the result of an immediate need. IE: holes in the ceiling, new chicken door, new water pump lines. Some projects are thought out in advance and done over a relatively short period of time. IE: storage boxes, work desk, outside shower. Sometimes a project is years in the making. Way back in October 2017 when we were building out…

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Rye Nematodes

Rye Nematodes

After a very rough start to the fall garden, one box has been salvaged with a row of carrots and two rows of mustard greens and few mounds of rainbow swiss chard. The second box was supposed to be spinach and more chard but between the bugs and the weather it could never get a good footing and the third box was left dormant for prosperity. Ok, not really. Healthy garden box management states all gardens should follow a box…

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Another Stinky Feet Year?

Another Stinky Feet Year?

It has been a busy year but I did not realize how busy until I went to compile the yearly collection of Kid pictures for his birthday post and came to the realization there are months with only one or two pictures containing the Kid himself. Understandably this is due to his lack of presence at Boxes in Fields as he is required to attend school it still saddened my heart I have less pictures to note his changes in…

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Out Boxed

Out Boxed

Home schooling was my choice of education for the Kid for many years. It was flexible, challenging, rewarding. It was yelling matches, planed activities gone wrong, and time consuming. By the time the Kid went back to school halfway through his fifth grade year, he was reading at high school level and working out of a college level pre-algebra book. If he hadn’t been home schooled we never would have been able to travel for the Solar Eclipse in Aug…

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Shop Box Repairs

Shop Box Repairs

With the Work Box fully completed back in August and four years since anything was done to the Shop Box, the Shop Box has now become the focus for repair work. First and foremost, the 18″x40′ beam. During Beam Me Up Outside the W14x22 flange was installed way back in May 2017 and has been sitting as raw steel on top of the Shop Box ever since. Raw metal in the salty, salty air. It was never out intention to…

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Chicken Attacks

Chicken Attacks

A few days after the threat of Hurricane Nicholas had passed, a little home maintenance work was done. First there was the never ending road maintenance. Rain plus tires equals potholes. Potholes in the truck is not an issue, just drive slowly. Potholes in the car causes the airflow shield to drag. Shield replacement is expensive especially when the gravel has already been paid for. Potholes are a never ending chore, one shovelful at a time. Or one bucketful at…

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Shop Box Water Collection Part 1

Shop Box Water Collection Part 1

If 2020 was the year of the Dumpster Fire, 2021 at Boxes in Fields will be the year of Climate Change. I’m sure it is just the first of many years for climate change, but climate change it will be. Boxes in Fields started off with rain, then tried to freeze in February, then tried to float away in May and June and July. If climate change is bringing this much rain one year and then no rain the next…

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Batten Down the Hatches

Batten Down the Hatches

Argh, what a way to start a week. Four years and just a few days is not enough time to prepare for another storm. Even if it is just a category one. Hurricane Nicholas was headed towards Boxes in Fields and while a category one storm is nothing, it is something all the same. Of course, Hurricane Harvey was only a category one storm when it started, too. Then it was a category five less than 36 hours later. Not…

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Box Rodeo

Box Rodeo

Global warming. Have discussed this ad nauseam on this blog. It is the reason for the swing shifty weather that is either hotter/colder than normal, the rising sea level, the bigger and more frequent hurricanes. To think, these are just the elements affecting Boxes in Fields. Not even gonna discuss globally as there are dissertations written way better than I could ever explain. Read them. Watch them. Dissertations too long? Read books/blogs. Watch vlogs. Climate change is real. Well here…

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How to Write Dial Up Sound?

How to Write Dial Up Sound?

Can you remember the first time you used the new fandango thing called the world wide web? Was it at school or at home? If your mid 40’s, middle of the road America like Boxes in Fields, it was probably at school. Then if you were lucky within a few years there was dial up at home. Dial up used primarily for school related activities as there were no other pages to view on the world wide web except PHD…

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